Ubaldo Candia
  • 1 sport
Beginner Soccer
I'm looking to play soccer with others.

Updated a month ago


NYC Soccer Collective

1769 members

Welcome to the league which holds historic status as the 1st COED Soccer League in NYC!

We have hosted competitive CoEd, Open and Men's soccer divisions for the last 20+ years

and now we are excited to launch our new registration platform and website.

All League Division Registrations will take place here, while we also continue

reviving our original PickUp sessions on various different fields.

(We will still be updating things gradually, along with our website).

This is our NYCSC group for all our programming. You can now access our Summer League Divisions by going to the leagues tab either on your mobile device or on your computer, and you can also see various soccer events, including PickUp under Events.

We hope you will love the new experience with everything focused on your access and ease.

Sign up for our Summer Divisions while there are still spots left! We have something happening most days of the week, on prime soccer fields in New York City. Join us for 7v7, 9v9 and 11v11 and please invite all your friends over!


⚽ Players must be 18+ years old to join this group and any event

🏅 All skills from Beginner to Advanced are welcome


NYC Soccer Collective Website - https://nycsoccercollective.net/

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ZogSportsNYC Pickup Games

647 members

ZogSports believes life is better with real personal connections, caring communities and a sense of play!

Only ZogSports is America’s most popular social sports community, with over 120,000 players forming millions of new friendships every year.

We post all of our PICKUP GAMES below. JOIN NOW for an easy way to get involved with the sport you love or a new sport that you want to try out!

Go to WWW.ZOGSPORTS.COM to find LEAGUES for Basketball, Bocce, Bowling, Cornhole, Dodgeball, Football, Kickball, Soccer, Softball, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, and more...

\*please see our COVID guidelines at the link below:

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Force Soccer Studios - Adult COED Pickup Soccer

34 members

5v5 Pickup soccer in Gowanus

•We provide balls, goals, bibs (not currently due to Covid 19), scoreboard, and a climate-controlled turf field.

•Water fountains and bathrooms also available

•No cleats; flats or turfs only, shin guards required

•No chewing gum on the turf, please

Force Covid-19 Protocols

-Temperatures will be taken before each session and shall not attend if they have a fever over 99 degrees or if the player s not feeling well

-Masks shall be worn by players when they arrive, until they reach the soccer field, and upon exiting the field

-No Spectators until further notice please

-No Food will be allowed until further notice

-Hand sanitizer: Force will provide limited amounts and we appreciate your help

\*If a player comes in close contact with a Covid-19 patient or experiences symptoms they must:

Notify Force immediately along with the local health department

Cancel attendance and take a Covid 19 test before being allowed to return (full refund provided if family follows the proper steps)

Self-Quarantine for 14 days if test is positive or return to play after producing a copy of the negative test

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