When a player cancels or new spots open up, players who have registered for the waitlist will receive a push notification and email notifying them of the spot. Your attendee list continues to manage itself without any work from you!
Players can see their position the waitlist. A player who is offered a spot on the waitlist has anywhere from 10 minutes to two hours to click join, depending on how soon the event is.
The waitlist “blackout” period is from 9pm to 9am in case the first person on the waitlist fell asleep! If they do not respond in the morning, the the next person on the waitlist will be notified.
When a waitlisted player joins the event, their payment is processed, and the spot is theirs. OpenSports will automatically refund a player if they cancel their spot by the refund deadline set by the organizer.
OpenSports created an exceptional tool that will save you hours of repetitive work every week by instantly filling available spots with waitlisted players. The days of trying to find players to fill in for cancelled spots are over!
"We are reaping the benefits of the waitlist and our players are loving it! Our current schedule is five OpenSports events a week and they all almost instantly reach capacity. The waitlist is almost as in demand as our events!"
Dan Elliot,
Philadelphia Volleyball
Your players don’t want to miss a chance at securing their spot to your event if it becomes available while they are sleeping! We created a blackout period to ease their mind so they can get some zzzz’s
By default, OpenSports holds a spot for a set amount of time, but that hold time depends on how far in the future your event is—and never extends beyond the start of the event.