Jack Minassian
  • 141 events attended
I just love to spin.

Jack has not created any public sport cards


Evolve Pickleball Narrabeen

572 members

Welcome to Evolve Narrabeen Pickleball and Tennis Club.

We are located on the Narrabeen Sports High courts at the rear of the campus.

Entrance to the courts is at the black gate at the end of the Namona Street cul-de-sac. Street parking only. After entering through the black gate, you will walk across an open field that is next to the courts

Play is available after school hours during the week but unlimited on the weekend.

For Pickleball, we offer a range of activities including New to Pickleball classes, Kids groups, Social play, and Match play competitions.

Social Play
Tuesday, Wednesday 5:45pm to 7:15pm - Standard, Intermediate and Challenger
Thursday 7pm to 8:30pm - Intermediate and Challenger
Friday 5:45pm to 7:15pm - It's Friday !! - All Grades, BYO drinks and friends, even those New to Pickleball !!
Saturday 11am to 12:30 - Standard, Intermediate and Challenger
Sunday 9:00am to 11:00am - Standard and Intermediate
11:00am to 12:30pm - Standard, Intermediate and Challenger
4:30pm to 6:00pm - Standard, Intermediate and Challenger

If you wish to play with just your friends, book into a social session and let us know that you want your own court !!


If our Social session times don't suit we can open up new sessions ... subject to staff availability and School hours !!

Match Play

For those that have learnt how to play, know strategy play, are competitive and want to take their play to the next level

Match Play Mondays
7:00pm to 9:00pm - Advanced
7:00pm to 9:00pm - Intermediate and Challenger

Match Play Sundays
2:30pm to 4:30pm - Advanced
2:30pm to 4:30pm - Intermediate and Challenger

New to Pickleball

It is highly recommended that you enrol in a New to Pickleball course of 10 weeks to learn the art of Pickleball... its not just like tennis !!

To enrol in our Adult Group Pickleball Classes, go to our website

Looking forward to meeting you !!

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Northern Beaches Pickleball

2769 members

Welcome to Northern Beaches Pickleball, bringing pickleball to Sydney's northern beaches region since 2019. We run sessions of competitive play, social play and skills improvement for players of all levels from absolute beginners to advanced dinkers every day, at several venues. We welcome new players and visitors from overseas, interstate and all of NSW.

IF YOU ARE A VISITOR please follow the instructions on our website

Please read the following thoroughly. More complete information about pickleball and playing with our Club is on our website

After you create an OpenSports account, you will need to use your original login details when you access your account from a new device. For example, if you create an account using your email address as your login ID, do not then use your Apple or Facebook ID when you login from a different device. If you forgot your password, request a reset.

If you have not played pickleball previously, or if you have only played a few times, you must first attend "Pickleball - Come and Try" or "Pickleball for New Players". At your first session, we will provide information about joining NBP and your next steps towards attending general sessions.

If you already have experience with pickleball and are familiar with the rules, including scoring, you may be able to attend general sessions straight away. This includes visitors to our region. Please refer to our website under Played Before and Want to Join NBPA.

We look forward to seeing you on the court!

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WilloBees Pickleball

1377 members

Welcome to the WilloBees Pickleball Club.
We are a non-profit club affiliated with both Pickleball NSW & Pickleball Australia in Sydney that is run by VOLUNTEERS.
Our ethos is Fun, Fitness & Friendship, to also promote the game of pickleball on the Lower North Shore Region in Sydney, NSW, Australia.
We run sessions of social play, player improvement & competitive play for all level of players from absolute beginners to more advanced players.
We welcome all visitors and ask if you have any questions please email them to
We also ask after playing with us you once you join our club before attending another play.
Click link below to join

Guideline to Player Levels for booking into our events.
Player levels are not meant to box anyone into one level, this is simply a guideline. A more detailed explanation can be found in the "Announcements" section below.
– First Timers: Never played pickleball before.
– Beginners: If you are just learning the fundamentals of the game, you are a beginner!
– Recreational players: You know how to serve and keep score, and you understand the two bounce and non volley zone rules. You can hit the ball if it comes to you, but with little strategy or control. You may have some mobility problems that keep you from playing in the optimal position.
– Lower Intermediate players: You are beginning to learn the soft game, but you have more success hitting it hard, so that’s what you usually do. Your serving goal is simply to get it in. You have longer rallies due to your athletic ability, but you often choose power over control.
– Upper intermediate players: You have a better ability to see the “whole” court and are placing your shots.
– Advanced Competitive players: You are able to use a variety of shots including lobs, spin, dinks and drive shots with a purpose and at the right time.

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