BASL Players Systems Admin
  • 4.5/5 rating
  • 1 sport
  • 12 events attended
  • 881 events organized
Developed BASL mobile system platform 2024-
Partnered with OpenSports on-line systems 2021-24
Partnered with Demosphere on-line systems 2010-24
Developed our own online system 2008-2010
Manually managed leagues up until 2008
formed BASL all the way back to 1979

Intermediate Soccer
Soccer playing opportunities.

Updated 10 months ago


Northeast Florida

8725 members

This is a group created specifically for the administration and management of Soccer playing community in the northeast part of Forida.

Pickup Soccer

Corporate Soccer League Challenges

Various Adult Soccer Leagues in the Northeast Florida area

Specific community based youth soccer programs

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Southeast Florida

5116 members

This is a group created specifically for the administration and management of pickup soccer and our leagues within the southeast state of Florida.

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Treasure Coast

946 members

This is a group created specifically for helping to communicate playing opportunities for soccer players in the Treasure Coast region.
This region of Florida is found in the mid-south Atlantic coast, comprising the 3 counties of Indian River, St. Lucie, and Martin county.
Cities include as far south as Jupiter all the way up the coast-line to just north of Vero Beach.
We management of pickup soccer and our leagues within the this lower middle-east part of Florida.

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16 members

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