Mid BB- borderline ⬆️BB player (for sixes). Passing = BB, setting = ⬇️BB, serving = ⬆️BB, hitting = ⬆️BB. I am continually trying to improve my skills and aspire to become a solid ⬆️BB player.
Updated 2 months ago
Intermediate Softball
Getting back into playing, was proficient in high school.
Updated 5 years ago
B Beach Volleyball
High B. I'm slower than slow on sand, but I'm enthusiastic and have (mostly) serviceable to solid skills. Ready to dive and have fun.
Updated 4 years ago
BB Grass Volleyball
Low BB. Not as steady/quick on my feet as indoor. Quads defensive positioning is iffy but improving. Doubles ability is barely existent but trying to work on it. 🤣 Ready to dive and have fun.