How to view and export attendee custom question details

Learn how to export a list of event attendees with their custom question responses

When you run your events through OpenSports you can collect custom attendee details by setting up custom questions. This guide will show you how to view and export attendee responses to these custom questions.

How to view attendee custom question responses

You can view individual attendee responses to the custom questions through the event page.

  1. Navigate to your event page and click on Manage Users.
  2. Locate the attendee whose responses you want to view, then click View Order.
  3. You will be shown a summary of the attendee's event order, including their responses to the custom questions.

How to export attendee list and custom question responses

Export your list of event attendees and their responses to your custom questions as a .csv file. Each individual attendee is listed on one line of the .csv file.

  1. Navigate to your event page and click on Manage Users.
  2. Click Export Attendees in the top right corner. You will be prompted to save a .csv file &emdash; this file can be opened in software such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers.
  3. The following columns are included in all attendee list exports:
  • Date Created: lists date (in YYYY-MM-DD) and time (in UTC) of each order.
  • Order ID: unique identifier for each order. If an order includes an OpenSports user and a guest, the registrations will be shown in two separate rows, but will have the same order ID.
  • Purchaser User ID: OpenSports ID of the account that made the order.
  • Attendee User ID: OpenSports ID of the attendee. Any guests added to an order will not have an ID in this column. For OpenSports users, the purchaser and attendee user IDs will match.
  • Ticket Class: the name of each registration type that you specify when setting up your event.
  • Ticket Class Price: lists the price of one registration type. If you set up multiple registration types with different price points, these will be reflected here.
  • Is Guest:* will be listed as TRUE if the specific attendee was registered as a guest (rather than with their own OpenSports account).
  • Checked In: will be listed as TRUE for all attendees who were checked-in through the OpenSports website or app for the event.
  1. If you added custom questions to your event for attendees to respond to, their response data will be shown in the spreadsheet report after the default columns listed above.

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