Event admin roles: An overview

Everything you need to know about admin roles and permissions for your events

Game Leaders, Co-Organizers, Co-Admins, Site Managers, Event Hosts, Super Admins...

No matter what you call the trusted members of your team who help you run your group and events, OpenSports allows you to assign and remove admin roles with different permissions to help manage your group.

OpenSports admin roles

Once you create your group on OpenSports, you can assign group members admin roles with different permissions. These admin roles apply to all event run by your group. Individuals must be members of your group before they can be assigned an admin role.

  • Group Admins can edit anything about the group and group events. The person who created the group is automatically assigned as the Group Admin, but other members can be assigned this role. Only Group Admins can assign admin roles.
  • Event Admins control event settings (can create, edit, repeat, delete events; view and manage attendees; attendee check-in; issue refunds), but cannot change group-level settings (e.g., waivers, access codes, announcements).
  • Event Managers have control over all event settings except issuing refunds.
  • Event Assistants can view attendee lists, access the event chat, and check-in attendees.
Features and PermissionsGroup AdminEvent AdminEvent ManagerEvent Assistant
Manage group-level settings (edit group details, ban members, assign admin roles)
Manage events (create, edit, delete, repeat)
Send event invitations
View and manage attendees
Check-in attendees
Access event chat
Add admins and managers to events
Issue account credits and refunds
View user dashboard

There is a separate set of admin roles which cover permissions for the leagues and tournaments functionality. Learn more about this feature here.

Ready to get started? Learn how to assign admin roles to group members here

Questions? Send them our way: support@opensports.net

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