What is the best way to invite players to my private group?

Simple steps to start bringing your members to your private sports or fitness group!

Note: If your group is public, please skip over to this how-to guide.

Once you have created a group, you can either send people a unique invite code (web and app compatible), or invite everybody via e-mail. Both options work the same way by directing the invitees to your group so they can join!

1. Create and Sending a Unique Invite Code:

  • Click on the “Invite” tab on your group’s home page > Click on “Invite Codes” > Create your unique code > Click “Add Code” to generate a URL
  • Copy and paste the URL to any platform (Whatsapp, email, etc.) to start inviting members to your group!

2. Inviting Players via E-mail Addresses

Works for public and private groups

  • Go to your Group’s home page> Under the “Invite” tab, click “By Emails”
You can add custom text to your email invite, when you invite members to your group through the website.
  • You can add as many emails as possible in the text box, separated by commas or by pressing enter.

TIP: If you are moving your group from a platform like Meetup to OpenSports, check out our “We are switching platforms” email template here. This is the best set of step by step instructions that you can send your members about how to sign up for OpenSports.

Read here about how to collect electronic payments for your event through OpenSports!

Questions? Send them our way: support@opensports.net

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