After an event, players have the option of rating the event organizer. Feedback and reviews in the app are important in order to provide players with reliability of organizers. An organizer cannot hide or turn off their ratings/reviews.
Reviews can only be left through the app
OpenSports allows players to leave reviews (numerical and narrative) for events that were up to one week ago, and they can only do it through the event page on the app (players cannot leave reviews through the web).
How to leave a review for an event you attended
- After an event, players are prompted to leave a review if it’s the first time they attended a specific organizers’ event.
- Even if it isn’t your first time attending an event by that organizer, you can still leave a review
- Go to the event page and scroll down to the Review section with the stars (see image below).
- When you tap on the stars, the text box will automatically pop up. Players can just leave star reviews (from one to five stars) or they can leave an accompanying written review as well.

How to leave event reviews and view event reviews from the event page!
How to view an organizers’ overall reviews
You can only view reviews on the app.
- Organizers’ reviews are displayed on their Profile Page (see image below)
- Just click on their name anywhere in the app, and you will be directed to their profile.
- From their profile, tap on the stars to read all of the Organizer’s reviews.

Some reviews for Dan Elliott, lead organizer of Philadelphia Volleyball:
How can organizers’ read their own reviews
Organizers can only see their reviews on the app.
- Organizers can view event specific reviews on the event’s page (see the left screen shot below)
- Organizers can view an aggregate of all of their reviews from all of the events they have organized by going to their Player Profile and tapping on the stars (see the right screen shot below).
- Organizers are not notified whenever they receive a new review.

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