How do I create an event (i.e., a pickup sports game) on OpenSports?

Note: we recommend you Create a Group before you start creating events. It is easier to send invites to members of your group every time you post a game, and to collect money and receive direct deposits.

Create an event on Web:

Go to the OpenSports website and start filling in the blank fields on the Create an Event page.

Filling out the fields on the web create an event form is super easy!
Once you click save, your event is created and you are ready to invite OpenSports members, players from your group, or phone contacts.

Create an event on the App:

Creating an event on the OpenSports app is a streamlined process, designed to take under one minute. Just enter all of the relevant details in the appropriate spots, add a price if you want to collect payment through the app, and even add a refund deadline if you want the app to give automatic refunds!

To create an event, click on the + sign at the top right hand corner of the Events page of the app.

Start to create an event by clicking on the plus (+) sign. Creating an event on the app is incredibly easy!

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