FAQ about membership windows for monthly/recurring memberships

If someone buys a monthly membership on Jan 1st 2022 that allows them to use the membership for 10 orders/tickets, they have to ORDER those 10 tickets by the end of that 1 month period (by Jan 31st 2022).

  • Although they have to order those 10 tickets by Jan 31st, they can make purchases for events outside of the membership period… so if on Jan 20th, they see an event on Feb 2nd, they can still order it even though it isn’t in the current membership window. It will count towards the current “January” month/10 count.
  • This means that if someone was attending an event on the last day of the membership period (Jan 31st) but cancels/the event gets cancelled, they need to make a purchase on Jan 31st (before the next period) for it to count to their “January” month/count.

What if somebody cancels their membership during the membership period

When you cancel a membership, you can only use your credits for events that start before the membership expiration date.

  • For example, if a player buys a monthly membership on Jan 1st but cancels their membership within the membership period (i.e., they cancel it on Jan 2nd so that it stops renewing monthly), then they can only reserve events that are before the end date of Jan 31st.

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