Featured Event

Past EventVirtual Bootcamp via Zoom

July 16, 2021 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM (CDT)  •  Gym •  Public Event
Event Organizer
Lynn Clementi
5/5 (3 reviews)
All Skill Levels
Jul 16 7:00 AM

Roll out of bed and log into Zoom - that's how easy it is to get ready for this bootcamp session. We'll lead you through a warm-up followed by a full-body workout. Using bodyweight and weighted movements, you'll work on cardio, legs/butt, arms, core, and back.

What to wear and how to prepare:
You'll need some space for movements. Make sure you can do jumping jacks and a plank in the space and you should be good. If you have a hardwood floor, we recommend a yoga mat. Most people work out barefoot or in their socks, but you can choose to wear shoes if you wish. Wear comfortable fitness clothing.

Don't have weights?
No problem - grab a couple of full water bottles. We'll make it work.

First time working out in a while or have movement restrictions?
Everything we do is modifiable. Just let the coach know at the beginning and we'll give you alternative movements as needed. We'll demonstrate everything so it's easy to follow. And if you can only do half of the work, don't get down on yourself. You're trying and that's great! We all started where you are starting and you'll improve in no time. As long as you have the drive, we'll help you stick with it!

Log into the zoom session up to 10 minutes early to make sure everything is on and working. Please do not be late. We start class right on time. You will be muted upon arrival and we ask that you stay muted during the workout so everyone can hear the instructor. However, if you have a question, you can unmute yourself or send a chat!

Zoom Link/ID:
Meeting ID: 936 354 4733
(Please note: the coach will remove any unpaid/unregistered participants from the zoom room. Please do not attempt to join without registering. K, thanks!)

Need to cancel? You will automatically receive a refund or credit as long as you cancel 2 or more hours before class time through your OpenSports account. If an emergency comes up less than 2 hours before class, please message us and we'll handle those cancelations on a case by case basis. The cancelation window is built so the coaches have time to prepare for class and also to hold you accountable. Monthly members: While there is currently no penalty for canceling late or being a no-show, if you repeatedly abuse your membership privileges, we will have strong words with you and potentially revoke your membership.

See you soon, you awesome fitness nut!

Tags KettlebellsBootcampZoomLiveMorning Crew
4 going, 27 spots left

Please be aware that payments are not refundable.


Chicago, IL, USA