Featured Event

Past EventFREE SOCCER // Chicago Fire's Section 8 Day in the Community Event

June 23, 2018 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (CDT)  •  Soccer •  Public Event
Dan Dragicevich
4.9/5 (548 reviews)
All Skill Levels
Jun 23 6:30 PM

Join us Saturday evening at the CIBC Fire Pitch to benefit Street Soccer USA's homeless initiative!

We are looking for a handful of players to join Chicago Fire's Section 8 supporters group 11v11 soccer team to compete against a Street Soccer USA team.

Game starts at 6:30pm! After the game, join us in the pub and help us cheer on the Chicago Fire as they battle the Seattle Sounders at 9pm!

This event is FREE and we will refund your $10 purchase upon arrival!

5 going, all spots filled

Cancellation Deadline: June 22, 2018 6:30 PM (CDT)

Cancellations before the deadline will give you a full refund. Cancellations after the deadline are not refundable.

CIBC Fire Pitch

3626 N Talman Ave, Chicago, IL 60618, USA