Click on the JOIN button to let us know you are coming. This is a BASL pickup event.
You can cancel your join notification at any time up to 4hrs before the start time. If we cancel the night's pick-up event for any reason, you will be notified by us through the application.
Player Check-in starts at 7:00pm.
Make sure to bring both a White Shirt and a Black/Dark shirt to wear!
Even if we are over-booked, we encourage you to "JOIN WAITLIST", if anyone drops out you will be notified if you want to pick up their playing spot.
Players must be over the age of 18+ 🔞.
This is a BASL Managed event!
This is pick-up so wearing shin-pads is your choice, but we highly recommend you wear them.
Cancellation Deadline: December 11, 2023 3:00 PM (EST)
If you cancel your ticket before the deadline, the full cost of your ticket will be issued to your BASL Southeast Florida Soccer account credit.
7301 N Haverhill Rd, Riviera Beach, FL 33407, United States
Field 2