Featured Event

Past Event Drop-In Futsal / Indoor Soccer in the West End

March 3, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EST)  •  Futsal •  Public Event
alex a.j.
5/5 (3 reviews)
All Skill Levels
Mar 3 7:30 PM

we have a seperate opensports page for our game, and i'll send you the link to confirm a spot/pay there.

This is a DROP-IN futsal game for recreation.
Minimal to no contact. We like to keep a fun atmosphere, and play a technical game.

We use a fairly large gym, and we play 4v4 with rotating teams (depending on the amount of people who show up).
Games are either 5 minutes long, or first team to 2 goals.

TIME: 730- 930
James Culnan Cathlic School -- (enter through SOUTH GYM DOORS)
605 Willard Ave, York, ON M6S 3S1
Fee: $10


  • this is a loose, rec game played in a fair spirit. Teams/players are expected to make their own calls and respect each other's calls. We don't waste time arguing, and we expect everyone to be selfless and fair at a minimum.
  • 4v4, (at the discretion of the organizers), no goalies
  • 5 minute games or first team to 2 goals wins, If a team wins 3 matches in a row, they sit out the next game to take a breather.
  • no goals from your own half
  • we use boundaries. The lines are clearly marked and will be pointed out for clarity's sake
  • VERY IMPORTANT -- THIS IS RECREATIONAL. That means we don't tackle AT ALL. Please be mindful, and adjust how you play if need be. One warning before you will be asked to leave.
  • you will occasionally be yelled at to take it easy in the corners/when tackling against the wall. you're not being cautioned -- sometimes we all get excited and need reminders that slamming into concrete walls isn't fun.
  • please bring Indoor shoes, with non-marking soles. No turf shoes or cleats.
1 going, all spots filled

Please be aware that payments are not refundable.

605 Willard Ave

605 Willard Ave, York, ON M6S 3S1, Canada