Featured Event

Past EventB/BB 🏐 Tuesdays—East Falls

January 22, 2019 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (EST)  •  Volleyball •  Public Event
Garrett Bremer
5/5 (5 reviews)
Jan 22 6:30 PM

👥 Intended for “B” players or better. One indoor court. 18 players max. Indoor rules. You'll play two games and rest every third.

🅱️ A "B" player is still in the early learning stages of the game but knows the skills. They know how to bump, set (a little), and spike, but have a lot of practice yet to go to be able to do these skills consistently. A "B" player makes mistakes often.

🅱️🅱️ A "BB" player knows where to be on the court at all times when plays are developing. They know where to be when the opponent is hitting. They know the footwork of and how to approach hitting effectively. A "BB" player knows how to run a 5-1, a 6-2, and needlessly, a 4-2.

• 🎫 Ticket required to attend this event
• 🎟️ Ticket cost is donated to our host, Gustine Rec
• 🔄 This event repeats weekly
• 🔔 Invites are sent approximately 1 week prior to play
• 🔕 Profiles lacking sport cards are not sent invites
• 📞 Message the organizer with any questions.
• 🏐 Official ball: https://amzn.to/2U5OBQH

17 going, 1 spot left

Cancellation Deadline: January 22, 2019 2:30 PM (EST)

Cancellations before the deadline will give you a full refund. Cancellations after the deadline are not refundable.

Gustine Recreation Center

4868 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19129, USA